
STEIN, Aurél
Nagy Sándor nyomában Indiába

(On Alexander's Track to the Indus)

First Edition 1931

The account Stein's 1926 spring voyage to the Northwest Frontier district, to search for vestiges of Alexander the Great's campaign into the Indus valley, translated from the English original by Halász Gyula. This is the first title to have Franklin Társulat as publisher, both in the Oval logo and Classic III. binding varieties, the latter with two slightly different versions. It appears that this title only had one edition, however like all 1930-31 titles, is fairly common. A dust jacket must have existed, but is not known.

First Edition,

Half Title Frontspiece Title Contents  

Cover variants (with endpaper pattern if available)

Oval logo Clasic III.      

  Classic III. variant, note different thickness of gilt decoration