Fagonia arabica


  • Eastern Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf kebir)
  • Cantral Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf kebir), March 2007
  • Wadi Hamra (Gilf kebir)

    A close cousin of the more common Fagonia thebaica, the species was noted on several occasions in the main valleys of the Northern Gilf Kebir plateau, where it was the dominant green vegetation durinng 2004-2006. Most individuals in Wadi Hamra showed signs of heavy grazing, indicating the presence of Ammotragus lervia (barbary sheep). In March 2007 only a few scattered green individuals were seen in the upper section of the eastern branch of Wadi Abd el Melik, among generally dry vegetation. The species was not noted in the Jebel Uweinat region.

    In March 2007 we observed the aftermath of a very localised rainfall that was collected in a small side wadi of Wadi Abd el Melik in the central section. Fagonia arabica was the most abundant species of the fresh growth, intermingled with Astragalus vogelii.

    Fagonia arabica in Wadi Hamra (Gilf Kebir), some showing signs of grazing by barbary sheep, 2004/2005


    Eastern branch of Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf Kebir), October 2004

    Eastern branch of Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf Kebir), March 2007
    Solitary green Fagonia arabica among otherwise totally dry vegetation.

    Side wadi of Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf Kebir) near the central section, March 2007,
    some months after a localised rainfall, intermingled with Astragalus vogelii